DP 199: Overcoming the Entitlement Trap

leadership mind & meaning podcasts

The other day I found myself getting upset when backing out of a parking space while driving my friends car. The reason being is because the back cam of the car that's displayed on the screen wasn't there like it is in my car. However, I had to instantly check myself because if I hadn't I would have backed into a pole and potentially hit the people walking behind the car to get to theirs. Thankfully I was able to put my entitled ways to the side or I would have had much bigger problems.


  • PRINCIPLE OF THE DAY: Acknowledge Your Entitled Ways
  • How does your entitled ways hinder you?
  • The pros of overcoming your entitlement
  • The cons of remaining entitled
  • Make the decision to overcome your entitled ways
  • QUESTION OF THE DAY: Where in your life across body, being, balance, and business are you currently allowing your entitled ways to get in your way?


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