DP 216: Elevating Requires Gratitude

career & business mind & meaning

I've notice that every time an individual is truly grateful for life is when life begins to promote them. Failing to be grateful for the present moment is similar to being dead in the present moment.

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  • Practicing gratitude
  • Being grateful for the present moment regardless of the circumstance
  • Great adversity breeds great opportunity
  • Focus on what you sow and not what you reap
  • PRINCIPLE OF THE DAY: Gratitude is Key


1. Podcast Warriors

I'm now accepting clients for my signature program Podcast Warriors. Build a top-rated podcast that changes lives around the globe and generates recurring revenue by becoming a Podcast Warrior.

2. Grab My Book

Legendary the Life in All of Us in now on Amazon and you can grab it here. When the world is telling you who to be, choose to be yourself. Looking to be the best version of yourself by making use of your gifts, talents, and life's purpose? My book can help you with that. Grab your copy now!