DP 231: How to Build Better Businesses with Michael Anleitner

career & business leadership

How often is it that you see business owners, executives, managers or anyone else in a position of authority get leadership wrong because in their eyes, they are always right about what's right or wrong? In this podcast episode, Michael Anleitner, Owner of Livonia Technical Services, shares how he developed himself as a leader so he could build a bigger and better company. 

Tune in on: Apple Podcasts | Spotify


  • Michael's background
  • Livonia Technical Services
  • You have to work hard if you want to succeed. There are no shortcuts.
  • You must be educated--and you must continue your education every day--if you want to improve your life.
  • No matter what your inherent skills with people may be, you can learn and practice a high level of emotional intelligence, but you must make that a priority in your life.
  • Once you attain some degree of success, you have an obligation to share your knowledge and expertise with others.
  • True success is only reached when you have balance in your life. While some great people are obsessed with success in a single minded way, these people may never know the joys that await for those who keep a balance between career, family, and community.


1. Scaling With Podcasts

I'm now accepting clients for my signature program Scaling With Podcasts. Build a top-rated podcast that changes lives around the globe and generates recurring revenue by joining Scaling With Podcasts.

2. Grab My Book

Legendary the Life in All of Us in now on Amazon and you can grab it here. When the world is telling you who to be, choose to be yourself. Looking to be the best version of yourself by making use of your gifts, talents, and life's purpose? My book can help you with that. Grab your copy now!


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