DP 185: Do What's Right

leadership mind & meaning podcasts

Today's topic is do what's right. A brother of mine recently had an interesting conversation with a stranger who believed the Washington Redskins shouldn't have changed their name because we've always referred to them by that name. Which led my brother to say that just because something has always been done a certain way doesn't make it right.


  • PRINCIPLE OF THE DAY: Just because it's always been done, doesn't make it right.
  • The goal should be changing our unhealthy habits to healthy habits
  • Only we can ultimately decide what's right and wrong for us
  • Asking those you love and lead if they find faults in your habits
  • QUESTION OF THE DAY: Where in your life across body, being, balance, and business are you continuing an unhealthy practice because you've always done it although it isn't right?


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