Becoming Who You Want Requires Authenticity | #294

career & business leadership mind & meaning

I think it's easy to "fake it until you make it" when apart of what we want as humans is to feel accepted. However, I believe that's a recipe for disaster because it may get you near what you want but it doesn't prepare you to make the most of your opportunity. In "Becoming Who You Want Requires Authenticity" on today's Daily Path Podcast episode we talk about practical ways to embrace yourself.

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  • Principle of the Day: Be who you are so you can become who you were destined to be.
  • Accepting your weaknesses as indicators and not hindrances 
  • Shifting mindset from competitive to compatibility  
  • Practicing your values daily


1. Podcast Sales Mastery

I'm now accepting clients for my private coaching program Podcast Sales Mastery. This 1:1 coaching program is for expert speakers, coaches, and consultants who want to acquire 5-figure clients by launching a top-rated hybrid podcast. Apply for Podcast Sales Mastery

2. Grab My Book

Legendary the Life in All of Us in now on Amazon and you can grab it here. When the world is telling you who to be, choose to be yourself. Looking to be the best version of yourself by making use of your gifts, talents, and life's purpose? My book can help you with that. Grab your copy now!