DP 191: I Had to See It for Me to Believe It

mind & meaning podcasts

There is this saying that I’m sure you’re aware of which goes "ignorance is bliss." Although this can be true in the present moment, it’s not always the case in the next moment. Think about it. Let's say you have been feeling unusual but choose not to pay the doctor a visit because you assume that you'd be alright. Your ignorance could be blissful but your unusual feeling could be cancer. If that is the case, would you rather ignore the problem to remain blissful or take the problem head on before it gets worst?


  • PRINCIPLE OF THE DAY: Don't run from problems, face them!
  • Prioritize what’s important to you.
  • Do your research to support your new findings.
  • Change what you don’t like.
  • QUESTION OF THE DAY: Where in your life across body, being, balance, and business have you been hearing something is a problem but perhaps you need to SEE the results to believe what you’ve been told?


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2. Grab My Book

Legendary the Life in All of Us in now on Amazon and you can grab it here. When the world is telling you who to be, choose to be yourself. Looking to be the best version of yourself by making use of your gifts, talents, and life's purpose? My book can help you with that. Grab your copy now!